Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)
Single & multi-jurisdictional communication centers
​​Dispatch receives a 9-1-1 call, ANI / ALI data is auto-populated into the CAD and automatically located on the GIS map.
GIS-based AVL (Auto Vehicle Location) will advise the dispatcher which available units are closest to the call.
Dispatch will receive location alerts such as premise history, firearms, medical alerts, TROs and sex offenders at a location.
Seamless Fire & EMS dispatch will send CAD information out silently to any responding agency based on call type, priority or manual push-button interaction. Information will be automatically injected into respective Fire & EMS software systems.
GIS mapping allows for geo-fencing of agency jurisdiction, AVL history and hotspot policing statistics based on calls for service.
LawSoft CAD automatically segregates designated side job details from calls for service that officers are actually responding to.
NCIC/DMV Query & eTicket history returns the previous history of vehicle and driver.
Faster response times for officers with better resource management.
Instant BOLOs pushed to all logged in sessions.
Send CAD information to text messages for any responding agency.
Map zooms to call location and identifies the nearest available units.
One click zoom out / zoom in allows dispatchers to view all departmental activity