Record Management (RMS)
LawSoft RMS offers the most robust set of Police reports of any system available. Incident Reports, Arrest Reports (Booking), Property Reports, Evidence Reports, Domestic Violence Offense Reports, State of NJ Crash Reports, Juvenile Complaints and many others are available. All reports attached to one case number can be found in less than a second. Digital data such as photographs, pdf’s, audio and video are also incorporated into case management and viewed along with all related reports, therefore, having every facet of a case at your fingertips.​
All reports include drop-down lists and auto-entry features, which ensure easy and standardized reporting. State, County, and Departmental reports are included and information contained in those reports is integrated into the Case Management feature which allows you to seamlessly tie together all reports filed under the same case number (including supplemental reports). Reports needed for discovery are auto-redacted to leave out pertinent information as required by law (OPRA) and can be created as a PDF or email attachment with one click of the mouse.
All of the information that is entered by the Agency personnel in the course of completing their reports is automatically organized and fully searchable. The results of those searches can be easily be sent to the GIS map with the click of a button to develop patrol strategies, or analyze crime trends within your jurisdiction.
Key Benefits:
Professional easy to read police reports
Full system access via our secure mobile app
Reports completed on scene
State, county, and local forms included
One button click Central Judicial Processing PDF report creation
Monthly UCR Summary generated in seconds
UCR NIBRS Submissions
Easy statistical reports
NJTR1 data submissions to DOT
Instant Master Name Inquires
Integrated mugshot system
Integrated document scanning
iOS & Android smartphone access via a custom App
Case Management

Hotspot Crime / Call Mapping

Detailed Pin Mapping